In Malawi, we completed borehole wells, shallow water wells, and well rehabilitation, 26 up to this point. These sites were selected in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Water Development, Ministry of Environment, and Ministry of Forestry. The sites were verified to ensure there would be no significant negative environmental impacts. Communities were also selected based on health of community and verified by local Health Surveillance Assistants indicating urgency and need for clean, safe water.
Local builders were employed and assisted by laborers from the community. These sites for shallow water wells included the lining of the well with burnt bricks and mortar to eliminate chance of collapse and the foundation and cap for the pump installation. The well rehabilitation included replacing pumps, redrilling portions, fixing the water chase or adding as needed and any other repair to get the well up and running. The borehole well was completed like most in Malawi with a machine driven drill.
Below is a gallery of photos from our various projects in Malawi.
An unprotected water source in Makwinja Village.
A well structure in progress is lined with burnt brick. This is in the Gilberti Village.
Installing the Matupa Village well pump.
An unprotected water source in Makwinja Village.