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In the month of June 2016, Carol Deel began to communicate with Pastor Jerry Dadi of the Pneuma Glorious Assembly in Alionahi, Nigeria.  Pastor Dadi had been working with five villages there in Nigeria and knew of the need for fresh water.  There were water-born diseases in the villages such as dysentery and people, including children were dying.  Pastor Dadi also indicated that if we were able to bring water to the village then the people would be more apt to accept Jesus Christ.


The village of Gabong is in Plateau State, it is one of the 36 states of Nigeria.  The village has approximately 280 residents and in October of 2016 we were able to drill a borehole well there.


Below is a gallery of photos from Gabong, Nigeria.




Mabudi is a village of around 2,000 people, it is located in Plateau State, Nigeria.  There were water-born diseases in this villages such as dysentery and people, including children, were dying here as well. 


Below is a gallery of photos from Mabudi, Nigeria.


Shibirt is a village of approximately 550 people, it is located in Plateau State, Nigeria.  This is also a village where water-born diseases ran rampet.  People had to walk miles for fresh and clean water.  The village had to deal with dysentery and the death of the villagers due to unsanitary water.


Below is a gallery of photos from Shibirt, Nigeria.

Mile Four Village 

Mile Four is a village of approximately 600 people, it is located in Plateau State, Nigeria This village had water born diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, and other diseases.  Thanks to the generous contributions of our donors, this village now has fresh water.

Nban Village 

Nban Village has approximately 600 people, including men, women and children; it is located in Plateau State, Nigeria.  This is another village were villagers would walk such a long way to find water and when they did find the water, it was muddy and filled with parasites and bacteria, now they have clean drinking water.

Wallang Village

Wallang Village is located in Plateau State, Nigeria and has approximately 1,700 people living in and near there.  Before the borehole well was dug, villagers would walk several kilometers to gather water for their families.  The water they brought home was often muddy and filled with water born parasites, bacteria, microbes and pathogens.

Talbut Village

Talbut Village is in Plateau State, Nigeria with approximately 1,000 people.  Diseases such as cholera, typhoid, measles, and chicken Pox have been widespread in this part of the country due to inadequate drinking water.  With the new borehole well, potable water is running in Talbut.

Zunzung Village

Zunzung Village is in Plateau State, Nigeria with approximately 1,000 people.  Prior to the well being drilled, the people in the village were going 3 kilometers to muddy lake in the wet season and having to drill 4 - 5 feet during the dry season. 

Warok Community

Warok Community is located in Lantang North, Plateau State, Nigeria with approximately 2,000 people served.  the people in the community retrieved water from rocky caves in the wet seasons and muddy pounds in the dry seasons; they would have to walk 7 kilometers to get this poor source of water. 

We have many other projects, 26 in all and we will add more information as time passes.
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